Couldn’t finish. Too much nonsense. And yet…

After a couple hundred pages, I just wanted to let myself enjoy it for fun. But it was too much of the same thing repeatedly. That said, the reason I ordered and gave it the best I had available is because it was referenced in another reading I appreciated as being the greatest literary example of the power (and hilarity) of personal story and perspective.

The book speaks to and explains none of this. It is simply one stupid funny scene after another of this crazy man who thinks himself on a great quest. And so he is. Even at the end (which I googled) when he disavows his Logos, his reason for being, his North Star so to speak, that does not change the fact that beforehand he was exactly as he imagined. At least in a way. Becasue however many people are on the planet now (8.1 billion?), there are that many worlds potentially. However I see a thing, that is not just the way it is “to me”, it is instead the way it is in my whole world, the only world there can be to me. So I consider, if I do not think at least whether what I see is how the thing is or not, and it never can be totally so that I see it exactly as it is, then I am gone. And even when I do consider as much, my perspective may be quite a bit stronger in order to support my bias for the story as I think I am or want to be. Ok…all done.


Grief following the death of a loved one


There is a great source of light in the dark