Excellent work on the lineage, purpose, and meaning of Tantra

Tantra is usually associated with sex or sexual positions or some kind of cult sex ritual. But that is not even close. The principles of Tantra are taught in various other times though history and in places which had little to no contact with each other: that I am the whole and not just a part thereof. The wave on the ocean goes back to the ocean and yet what could the ocean be without the wave? They’re inseperable. In that spirit, I am the wave and I am the ocean. As Allan Watts put it, “if there’s a god, you’re it.” Or as Meister Eckhart, “the eye through which I see God is the same through which God sees me.” Now, all that said, of course through sex, if approached in the right spirit and intent, one can certainly experience the devine within themselves and the other as one. Principles of tantra can certainly help with realizing such an experience but for the how to, in my experience, one would need Taoist practices on energy, breath circulation, semen retention, orgasmic energy cultivation, etc. There are some books which say they are about Tantra which touch on these topics as well. This audio book was well read (by the author), researched, and written. It does a good job of explaining Tantra’s origins and history and helping the reader understand why Tantra is one representation of the ultimate self and spiritual knowledge.


My first of Wendell’s


God and drugs and me