500 pounds a year ~ maybe $50K a year now

My first of VA Woolf. The most important thing for me here is that to create, to write or whatever, one needs a great deal of time to one’s self. And to have time, one needs money (or to be supported). This was an essay published in book form later, the task for which was simply to write about women writer’s of fiction. Virginia was the heir to a perpetuity which afforded her a about 50K a year in today’s money. There are other good bits in here. VA had questions then which she proposed possible answers for without the privilege of the last 100 years of data we have now. And I do not know for sure what the data shows. I do not know if men and women inherently create differently given their predispositions, cultural and/or biological if any. If they write differently. I suppose they would if they thought of themselves differently, particularly, especially. But I am certainly grateful we are all afforded the opportunity to hear from the whole of the human species for god sake regardless of their sex, at least.


The individual experience is as close as one gets to reality


Grateful to have discovered this