Wild/Excellent material for the masculine. Sorcery/spiritual & energetic mastery.
The lessons of Don Juan. First book of Carlos’s I read was madness to me. Hilarious at times as he recounted (as best as one can I imagine) his direct experiences of shamanic drug induced journeys under the guidance of his teacher who referred to himself as none other than a sorcerer.
So I would have normally not gone on to another. Actually I’m surprised I made it all the way through the first. However, a teacher I was studying with mentioned this work on a couple occasions with respect in his countenance so I decided to give it another go.
This time Carlos writes from a place of recognition that all of his drug induced states were previously only necessary for him because he thought they were needed. Even inseparable from the shamanic path to enlightenment. After reviewing his notes and reflecting on his time with Don Juan, it occurred to him that his teacher only allowed as much because of Carlos’ obsession. But the path of the sorcerer (the hunter of, collector of, and wielder of power) is likely hindered by external substances. And instead one can intent their intention towards developing the skills needed to produce alternate states of mind through internal means, from certain exercises of the body and breath, even from simply observing differently than we are all taught to.
Reviewed last week my underlines. I find the principles here very masculine and appropriate for such practice. Certainly a good resource for the reasons outlined already. Glad I gave Carlos Castaneda another go.